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  • Writer's pictureD Michelle Young

The Goddess Chronicles

So, I love Greek mythology. That is one of the reasons why my first book is based on Athena. I'm sure anyone that has read it has noticed that the title states "Chronicles" and "Book One". I did (and still do) intend for this to be a series, however, when I was writing the second book; about Hades...I got distracted by the idea for '3hree's a Crowd' and wandered away from Hades. I wasn't very happy with the way Hades was starting out anyway. He was MOST uncooperative with me (yes, I do talk to my helps me to 'understand' them and flesh them out). I revisited what I had written on Hades and decided I would post some of it here.

Introduction to My realm; The Underworld

I feel that in order to give you, my dear reader, a greater understanding of the realm in which I live and rule, I must first give you a brief geography and history lesson of the Underworld and the way it is governed. The Underworld itself can be entered from above. But, due to the risks, it is imperative that these earthly entrances be both hidden and guarded at all times. I record the locations here trusting that the reader will not disclose them to anyone, or seek them out themselves. However, even if it is revealed or if it is sought out, the following is only a portion of what you shall encounter as you seek to enter my realm. One of the earth side entries to the Underworld was, in ancient times, called Malis. Later, the area became known as Thermopylae or “hot gates”. Yes, the name is derived from the hot sulphur springs believed to be underground. But of course, there are no ‘hot sulphur springs’. The smoke, steam, and sulphur rising from the ground come directly from my abode, Hades (people began calling the Underworld ‘Hades’ to refer to me without bringing bad luck or evil on themselves) however, this proved ineffective at keeping away the curious and the “thrill seekers”. The more humans heard that this was a direct gateway to hell, the more determined they became to enter. So, other measures had to be put into place. Outside of the cave that is the direct entrance to the Underworld, one will encounter Grief, Anxiety, Disease, and Old Age. Along with Fear, Hunger, Death, Agony, and Sleep. The Guilty Joys (sex, overindulging, chocolate) also reside outside of the entrance. If anyone can make it past these horrors, on the opposite side of the gates, they will find; War, the Fates (Alecto the Unceasing, Magaera the Jealous Rage, and Tisiphone the Vengeful Destruction), and trust me, dear reader, you do not want to run afoul of those three lovely sisters. Most humans think that the Fates are ugly, heinous creatures. But they can appear however they wish. They can be Halle Berry, Scarlett Johansson, Lynda Carter; or The Rock, Idris Elba, Chris Hemsworth, or your high school sweetheart. They are male and female. The ultimate trans-gender beings. Any human that falls into their clutches will die a painful and tormented death…regardless of how the Fates choose to present themselves at that time. And let me not forget the Goddess Eris, she is the goddess of strife and discord. Always causing trouble this one is! Best to steer clear of her if you want to live your life in peace and harmony.

Now, anyone that makes it past all the above, and there has only been ONE ever to do so, will next encounter a few of my pets. Centaurs, (not the nice ‘party ponies’ you may have heard about), Gorgons (Medusa’s sisters), the Hydra, the Chimera, and the Harpies. If you make it past all of this, then you must be quite special. Only those with my express permission, or very powerful demi-gods (Hercules) can pass unscathed through the gauntlet of hell and gain entrance to the Underworld. Now, there is one other entrance that only myself and three others know about. This entrance is the one that I use when I must leave my realm. This entrance is located in Cumae, Italy and it is called the Avernus Crater. This entrance is well hidden because the crater itself also contains a lake and one must dive into the lake to gain entrance to the passage that leads to the Underworld. Once there, you can enter Hades unmolested, because the swim itself will more than likely kill you. The water in the lake is toxic. The fumes that come from it will probably kill you before you make it into the water itself. And those are the ‘illegal’ ways to enter the Underworld. To enter the Underworld legally, you must be dead of course and you must have had a proper burial. I cannot abide rotting corpses and improperly buried skeletons. This is why I am also known as the God of Proper Burials. Unfortunately, I had to bring about a plague on the city of Thebes for not properly burying their dead...

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